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Effects of Caregiving for The Elderly
Caregiving is one of the most stressful and rewarding jobs a person can take on. Caregivers, such as nurses and other medical professionals, take on fulfilling, but immense responsibility when…
Activities the Elderly Diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s
A dementia diagnosis is never easy news for patients to hear, nor their families. Helplessly watching a loved one slowly deteriorate is extremely difficult. Although no cure for Alzheimer’s or…
Benefits of Social Media for Seniors
Research data tends to show that social media is a young person’s game. In fact, 90% of adults 18-29 say they use a social media site at least once a…
Transitioning To An Assisted Living Community
After months of planning with your family, you have chosen the perfect assisted living community to move to. It’s close to family, has spacious rooms & luxury amenities, and offers…
Preparing For The Future After A Dementia Diagnosis
Your family member has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. Your family is overwhelmed. What happens next? A transition period often follows a dementia diagnosis…
Minimize Stress, Maximize Life: Stress-Busting Solutions For Seniors
April is Stress Awareness Month, a time in which medical experts in all fields band together to raise public awareness about the many negative and complex long-term effects stress can…
Happy Life, Healthy Life: Scientifically- Backed Reasons To Find Your Happy
Recently, a critical mass of research has provided what might be the most basic and irrefutable argument in favor of that feeling we all chase, happiness: Happiness and good health… article about groundbreaking ceremony
A $10 million assisted living center under construction in Luling will help parish residents keep aging family members closer to home, St. Charles Parish officials said Wednesday at a groundbreaking…